RF engineering concept art

RF Design

  • In the dynamic field of RF engineering, S&B Tech offers specialized services tailored to meet the demands of wireless communication and high-frequency applications.
  • With a deep understanding of radio frequency principles and electromagnetic wave behavior, our team of expert engineers excels in designing and optimizing RF circuits and systems. We undertake comprehensive analysis and simulation to ensure superior performance in terms of signal integrity, range, and interference mitigation.
  • Whether it's developing wireless communication devices, radar systems, or satellite communication solutions, our RF engineering expertise enables us to deliver cutting-edge designs that maximize efficiency and reliability.
  • By staying at the forefront of technological advancements and adhering to industry standards, we empower our clients to unleash the full potential of RF technology and stay competitive in today's interconnected world.
Embedded Solutions Concept Art

Embedded Software

  • S&B Tech offers specialized services focused on crafting efficient and robust firmware solutions.
  • Our team has over 30 years of collective experience writing low level drivers, hardware abstraction layers, middle-ware, test code or high-level application code for various 8 to 32-bit micro-controllers, either in assembly language or C/C++.
  • Our team can also provide test support for your products, whether that be unit, integration or SW regression testing, our experienced team can assist in all phases of product testing and troubleshooting.
  • Whether it's programming micro-controllers for industrial automation, IoT devices, or automotive applications, our embedded software solutions will meet stringent performance, resources and reliability requirements. Through rigorous testing and continuous refinement, we deliver firmware that not only maximizes the functionality of the embedded systems but also enhances power efficiency and responsiveness.
Low Power Electronics concept art

Low-Power Solutions

  • Our team has a broad knowledge of various fields including electrical, software and RF and understands the critical importance of minimizing power consumption without compromising functionality, range or performance.
  • Our solutions will guarantee minimum power usage of microcontroller, sensors and radio while providing optimum RF design that will meet your range and payload requirements as well as regulatory.
  • With a deep understanding of the intricacies of different communication protocols, we offer tailored optimization strategies that ensure your wireless devices operate seamlessly while conserving energy.
Sustaining Concept Art

Sustaining Product Services

  • S&B tech offers comprehensive solutions to support your products lifecycle and ensure their continued success in the market.
  • With a dedicated team of experienced professionals and a broad knowledge in many fields, we can help our customers optimize the usage of their resources to allow them tackle higher priority R&D projects.
  • Our team has expertise in various fields and can help troubleshoot field issues relating to software/hardware malfunction or site data collection and analysis services.
  • We can also assist in addressing logistics issues relating to obsolete components, single supplier components, or provide low-cost solutions for prolonging your legacy products' longevity until the release of replacement products
Circuit Board concept art

Low-Power Solutions

  • S&B Tech offers comprehensive services aimed at integrating diverse technologies to create highly efficient and versatile systems.
  • Leveraging our expertise in multiple domains, including analog and digital electronics, embedded systems, and power electronics, we excel at designing innovative solutions that bridge the gap between different technologies.
  • We provide a wide of electrical engineering services that includes:
    • Circuit Design: Filtering, Signal Conditioning, Control, Interface...
    • User Interfaces: switches, LEDs, Displays, Actuators...
    • PCB Layout: 2/4 layers, SMD, thru-hole, EMI proofing...
    • Simulation and Testing
Proof of Concept Art

Proof Of Concept

S&B tech offers specialized services to transform innovative ideas into tangible prototypes. With a team of skilled and creative engineers, we excel in conceptualizing, designing, and developing proof-of-concept models that showcase the feasibility and potential of novel solutions. Through thorough research and iterative design processes, we refine these prototypes to address specific challenges and capture the essence of the envisioned product or technology.

Our approach emphasizes rapid prototyping and experimentation, enabling us to quickly validate assumptions and gather valuable feedback. By delivering robust proofs of concepts, we help our clients secure funding, gain stakeholder buy-in, and make informed decisions for the next steps in their development journey. With a commitment to precision and excellence, we empower our clients to transform bold concepts into reality, fostering innovation and driving progress in their respective industries.